HA-TSA Douglas
(c/n 20492)

Normally, when identifying
civilianized C-47s I refer to them as DC-3CS1C3Gs. In this case I
leave this one as a C-47A. On 19 November 1951, as
USAF 43-16026 this aircraft was on a flight
from its base at Erding in
Bavaria to Belgrade. While letting down on approach to Belgrade
the pilot
got lost and strayed into
Hungarian air space. The aircraft was forced down and
interned. The crew
was unharmed and eventually returned to the west
after a show trial. The C-47A was then used by
the Hungarian Air Force
until 1952 when it passed to Malev. On 6 August 1961 it was
giving joy
rides over Budapest when it stalled and
crashed into a house in the suburb of Zudlo, East Pest, killing
all 27 passengers and
crew aboard plus 3 persons on the ground. It was found
that the pilot had
'friends' on board (and in
the cockpit) to whom he was showing off, entered a steep turn and
aircraft. Below it
is seen in company with HA-LIB. Hungarian aviation historian
Endre Zsaludek
indicates that this shot was taken before the
1956 revoluation. At the foot of the page is a
of the manufacturer's plate
of c/n 20492.These images are from the Gábor Toth collection.