HA-LIA Lisunov
(c/n 18423503)

During World
War II, of course, all civil aviation in Europe was suspended. By
March 1946
Hungary was well and
truly within the Soviet bloc and hence the airline company formed to
up where Malert left
off in 1940 was the Hungarian-Soviet Civil Air Transport Joint Stock
pany (Magyar Szovje Légiforgalmi Tarsasag),
known simply in the west as Maszovlet. A modest
fleet of
Lisunov Li-2s (DC-3s built under licence in the USSR) was employed to
begin services,
although eventually as many as 23 of these workhorses would be
registered to the company. .
In 1947 a service was commenced between Budapest and Nyireghaza,
via Debrecen. A route
to Belgrade in December 1947 had to be
suspended when Jugoslavia's Tito, having broken with
the Soviet Union,
objected to Maszovlet's presence. Expansion was very slow until
the formation
of Malev in 1954 when
the Hungarian government obtained complete control of the airline by
out the USSR's interest. At that
time it was renamed Magyar Legikozlekedesi Vallalat.
the first machine in the new airline was
formerly with the Rumania line TARS as YR-TAC. It was,
I believe preserved after it was withdrawn
from service, although I have no idea as to its ultimate fate.
Photos from the Gábor Toth collection showing
it (above) in Maszovlet titling and (below) with Malev.