HA-FOA Focke-Wulf FW.58 Kl-2 Weihe
(c/n 3205)

The Focke-Wulf FW.58 was
designed in 1935 as a 6-seat crew training, light transport and
communications aircraft. Most were powered by two
240 hp Argus AS 10C 8 cylinder
inverted Vee inline engines.
Incredibly, some 1,350 of all variants of them were built. Of that
by far the most were used by the Luftwaffe. Malert, in Hungary
acquired three, the
first of which, is seen above in war time
identity band markings. Photo via the Gábor Toth
collection. It carried the name 'Zselyi Aladar' All three
were impressed into the Hungarian
Air Force in 1940 and received the military serials S001
to S 003. HA-FOA was wfu in Aug
1943 and the other two a
year later.