H-NABW Fokker
c/n 2050

Only one Fokker F.V was built. Its first flight took place at
Amsterdam's Schipol Airport in
December of 1922. It
was leased for several months in 1923 to the German carrier Deruluft,
and in 1926 was sold in Austria. My shot was
came from a Fokker pamphlet received in the
1940s. A Dutch Fokker aficionado advises
that the Fokker F.V was interesting in that it could
be flown as
either a mono -or- biplane, as the lower wing could be taken off!
The object of
this exercise is obscure although
clearly more
lift would be generated with the biplane config-
uration, and was possibly
offered when the aircraft was being used as a freighter. i.e one could
have higher speed with less
lift or lower speed with more lift. In the event the idea (and the
design) was dropped.