H-MACF Junkers
(c/n J.0640)

Another of Aero Express' float
mounted Junkers F.13 on the Danube at Budapest, circa 1923.
Photo via the Gábor Toth
collection. This aircraft was formerly DLH's D-228, seconded to
Aero Express in July
1923. It remained with them until January
1926 when it was sold to
Aerolot in Poland as
P-PALE. In 1929 it was re-registered SP-AEE.
Appears to have
been withdrawn from use in 1933..
The Kozlekedesi Muzeum in Budapest has had a F.13 on
display since 1934..
Probably the only one in the world. The
main part of this aircraft came from F13b, c/n 574,
which was delivered to Ad Astra in July 1921 as CH59. The story
goes that it was hijacked
by Charles
I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary on 20 October 1921 with the
of returning to his
home country to reestablish the monarchy (thus becoming the first known
air hijacking in
history!). In the event CH59 was confiscated by the
Hungarian government.
It was in service there
until 1931, when it was damaged by a hangar fire. The wings of CH66,
also delivered to Ad Astra in July 1921, were used for the repair of
CH59. In 1934 the air-
craft was withdrawn from
service and went into the museum. Its last complete
was in 1968, retaining, evidently, both
registrations of CH59 and CH66