G-EBJT Westland Widgeon I
(c/n WA.1671)

The original Westland Widgeon I (seen below)
was built specifically for the 1924 Air Ministry's
Aeroplane Competition, held annually for many years at Lympne in
Kent. For the comp-
etition it was
powered by a 1,096 c.c. Blackburn Thrush three cylinder air cooled
radial, and
merely bore
the number 6. Like so many of these very light entrants, it
came to an early grief
in the trials, being
hit by a downdraft on the very first circuit of the course and
withdrew. Recog-
nizing that the machine was under-powered, Westland
re-engined it with a 70 h.p. Armstrong
Siddeley Genet, and under this guise, it became the Widgeon
II. The above shot was taken after
this change of
power plant had been made.