Vickers Vimy
(No known c/n)

This photograph, from the Library of South
Australia collection, purports to show this aeroplane
"somewhere on an air strip in South
Australia" in 1922. Formerly registered in the 1919 U.K.
series as
K-107, this was the machine which was used on an
attempt on the Cairo to Cape
Town record with a prize of £10,000 from the Daily Mail.
It was flown by Vickers pilots
Capt S.
Cockerell and Capt F.C.G. Broome, although crashed at Tabora,
Tanganyika on
February 19020. It was ostensibly written off. I say
ostensibly since, if it really did show
up in SA
in 1922 somebody (a) repaired it and (b) flew it out to
Oz! Comments, anyone?