Canadair C.4 Argonaut
(c/n 145)

G-ALHC was the first Canadair C.4 produced.
BOAC called them Argonauts, but that was really
the Class
name and not quite the same the as the "North Star" Type name which
Canadair had dub-
bed its
forerunner, the DC-4M2. Notable differences between this
machine and the DC-4 were,
course, the Rolls Royce Merlin engines and the square, DC-6 type
windows. BOAC used their
Argonauts more
or less exclusively on their African routes. G-ALHC is seen above
in very early
(1949) BOAC
livery. Several of these machines were sold in 1960
to the Royal Rhodesian Air
Force, G-ALHC
included, which became 601-N (pseudo civil registration VP-YZN).
It was
repatriated back to the U.K. in 1964 for Air Links and broken up at
Redhill in 1965.