G-AFMK Short S.32
(c/n S.1022)

I don't normally include unbuilt projects, but Shorts were
so confidant that they would complete
the three prototypes of
this four engined transport that they took out three registrations for
(G-AFMK/L/M) and allotted
three c/ns (S.1022/3/4). The aircraft was designed to Air
14/38 calling for a machine which could cruise at 275 m.p.h. at 25,000
ft and have
a still air
range of 3,370 miles. Imperial Airways put their two cents' worth
in and opted for a
version which
could carry 12 sleeper or 24 day time passengers. Unfortunately
WW II inter-
vened and the entire
project was put on hold in 1940. When, three years later, Shorts
their attention to the
Brabazon Committee's requirements, the S.32 was not resurrected, the
company opting for much
larger designs. These latter were private venture proposals and,
the event, Shorts were
neither invited to tender, nor indeed even allowed access to details of
2/44. Weird, considering their considerable experience with
large aircraft.
Political, no doubt.