Havilland D.H.89A Dragon Rapide
(c/n 6408)

For some reason this Rapide
became the target of several photographers. Images of it are quite
common. (Mine
came from BEA). Possibly because it looked so smart in its
mid-1950s British
European Airways
livery with white top and all. In 1940 it was dressed up with a
RAF roundel
and given the serial
X9451. After a couple of months, however, it reverted to being
again (probably in camouflage with the underlined rego
treatment). After the war it went to BEA
was used on the run from Lands End to the Scilly Isles. It
was sold off in 1956 going to
Laos as F-LAAL. This registration was soon changed to fall into
line with the normal French
allocations and it became F-OBHI. I don't imagine it lasted
long in the hot and humid
conditions of French Indo-China.