G-ABCJ Saro A.19 Cloud
(c/n A19/1)

Here's a nice Saunders-Roe Ltd
photograph of the first A19 Cloud, initially flown on 16 July 1930
with the
Class B registration L.4.. This aircraft spent three years
in Canada as CF-ARB and then
to Saunders-Roe where it served as a test bed in which its two 300 h.p.
Wright J-6 Whirl-
winds were swapped out for a pair of Napier Rapier IVs, developing some
340 h.p.each. Twenty
were built (considered a successful run in those days) of which 16 were
used by the RAF
pilot and navigator training. G-ABCJ was withdrawn from use
in 1936.