G-AAXP Saunders-Roe A.22 Segrave Meteor
(c/n 1)

Here's an interesting shot. It depicts the Segrave Meteor
1, built by Saunders-Roe for Sir Henry
Segrave. In 1928
Samuel Saunders, then 71 years old, retired. Sir Alliot
Verdon-Roe took over
the Saunders company
and renamed it Saunders-Roe (usually truncated to Saro). In the
early 1930s
this concern
gleaned contractual work to build aircraft not of their own design from
several sources
in order to to
fill their plant capacity at East Cowes, Isle or Wight. One
instance of this were some
Bluebird IVs built for Blackburn of Brough, Yorkshire. They also
contracted with renowned
driver (both land and water) Sir Henry Segrave to build the twin engine
monoplane machine
he had designed, seen
above, Unfortunately Sir Henry was killed on Lake
Windermere on 14 June
1930 attempting to
raise the world water speed record and hence this promising aircraft
was not prod-
uced in
quantity. Two more were actually built - one by Blackburn and one
in Italy by Piaggio. Later
on, Saunders-Roe went
on to manufacture the Spartan Cruiser which, although a three engined
had a
superficial resemblance to the machine pictured above. One
wonders how much influence Sir
Henry's design
had among Saro engineers when the Spartan was designed, along with the
inputs from
The shot below is from the Norman Ellison c0llection (via the National
Library of
Australia), circa 1930.