F-BHBA Lockheed L-1049G Super Constellation
(c/n 4620)

A not very good Lockheed
photograph (although I acquired it from Air France) of the carrier's
first "true" L-1049G
(i.e. not a converted L-1049C). It was probably taken
in June of 1955.
since the aircraft came on line in July of
that year. Smoggy/foggy conditions prevail in Burbank
at that time of year (I lived in and around
"the Valley" for nigh on a quarter century). The phen-
omenon is known
locally as "June Gloom". Anyway. some 14 L-1049Gs were
purchased in
for the overseas routes and served the line until the delivery of their
Boeing 707s. in
the early 1960s.