F-BGNA Lockheed L-1049C Super Constellation
(c/n 4510)

In 1953 Air France ordered 10 Super Connies for the North
Atlantic trade. All were later con-
verted to (first) L-1049E, and
later still to full L-1049G status, except the one above. This
just over one year's service ran out of fuel whilst diverting from
Idlewild (JFK now) to Boston
on 3
August 1954. The ILS approach
into New York had been discontinued because of unexpect-
ed heavy
turbulence, pouring rain and low ceiling. The crew
then elected to divert to Boston, but
fuel exhaustion
forced the flight to carry out a belly landing in a field near
Preston, Connecticut. The
aircraft was
consumed by fire, although fortunately all 27 souls aboard escaped with
their lives.
in-flight planning" was given as the cause of the accident.