D-ANUB Lockheed
L-1649 Starliner
(c/n 1034)

Some airlines, and
Lufthansa were notorious for doing it, sent me images which, as
pieces and as historical mementos were
worthless. I normally don't even display them but I
thought I would give
an example of one. Clearly this shot has been so doctored as to
virtually useless. I assume that it came originally from Lockheed
(who did not produce such
high quality prints of their aircraft as either
Douglas or Convair did), but why they didn't take an
actual photo of a Lufthansa Starliner rather than paint the markings
either on a unmarked machine
or over the livery of another carrier (TWA?) I
really do not know. I have tried to clean it up but
it still has that airbrushed look. Had
this been the real c/n 1034 it would have
been one of
of this rare and ultimate
model of Constellation operated by the
airline, just
prior to their receiving
Boeing 707s.