D-AKER Dornier Do J IIF Wal
(c/n unknown)

Washed out image of "Taifun" one of many Dornier Wals
operated by DLH in the 1920s. By the
early 1930s the
airline planned to open a service to South America. A
specially converted cargo
vessel, the Westfalen was
equipped to take the Wal on board, refuel it and launch it from a steam
catapult. The route
was from Stuttgart to Buenos Aires via Seville, Bathurst (now Banjul -
not rename the place,
after independence, could we?) Natal and Rio. D-AKER was the
used on the proving flight
from Rio to B.A. The service was very successful and upgraded
once a fortnight to weekly by
1936. Some 300 Wals were built between 1923 and 1934.