D-717 Fokker-Grulich F.II
(c/n 1570)

Originally delivered to Deutsche Aero Lloyd in 1922, this aircraft was
named 'Weichsel'.
It is seen above in
this shot from the Gunther Ott collection after it had passed to
Luft Hansa (DLH) in
1926. It was eventually re-registered D-OVAZ, and by that time had
been converted
to Fokker F.IIb standard. .. The F.ll was one of the first
practical passenger
aircraft in the world and some 30 were built, most being constructed
under licence
by Grulich in
Germany. (In 1920 Anthony Fokker made the decision to
transfer his activities
to a new factory
in the Netherlands, initially in north Amsterdam, and later at Veere).