D-3131 Junkers Ju 52/3mge
(c/n J4041)

Whatever photographs I received
from Lufthansa in the 1950s of their pre-war aircraft, all of them
had the
dreaded swastika removed. I cannot, therefore, portray them as
accurate historical images,
hence will
leave them out entirely. The only other shots I have of
Deutsche Luft Hansa aircraft from
the 1920s-1939 era are from pamphlets and publications. Up until
1931 German civil registrations
consisted of D- followed by
numbers. These were replaced by lettered sequences and D-3131 be-
came D-ARAM . All DLH
aircraft were named, this Ju 52/3m being "Werner Voss". It was
seconded to (requisitioned by) the
Luftwaffe in 1939.