CH-151 Fokker-Grulich F.II
(c/n 1503)

Basler Luftverkehr AG (Balair) was founded in
1925 to provide local services within Switzerland.
CH-151, seen here in a print from a
Fokker brochure, was its first aircraft. The company merged
with Ad
Astra Aero in 1931 to form Swissair. CH-151 was originally built
for Danziger Luft Reed-
erei in
1920 as Dz3. It went on to the German civil register in 1921 as
D-175 and eventually passed
the fledgling Luft Hansa. Balair acquired it in 1930 by which
time it had been rebuilt to F.11b
with a 320 h.p. BMW Moldau engine. In the event Swissair did not
operate it and it was
scrapped in August of 1931.