YS-012C Curtiss C-46A
(c/n 127)

A reproduction from an Esso Air World publication, circa
1960. Dozens of C-46s found their
way to civil airlines after
the war in Latin America. They were somewhat
cheaper than C-47s,
although less
reliable. Aerolineas El Salvador was a small air freight company
operating from San
Salvador to Miami, where
the above shot was taken. As far as I can tell, YS-012C was the
aircraft ever
operated by AESA. On a flight back to San Salvador from
Miami 13 February 1965,
the port engine on YS-012C failed shortly after takeoff.
The propeller could not be feathered,
possibly due to oil
contamination. A crash-landing was carried out near Miami and the
airplane came
to rest in an automobile
junk yard. A further C-46 was slated to be acquired, but this was
not taken
partly because Aviateca and Lanica could not countenance such up-start
competition in their area.