XA-KIM Convair
(c/n 146)

Here's XA-KIM at
Acapulco Airport, circa 1955. As a seasoned (business)
traveller in the
1960s, 70s and
80s I, like most of the wags of the day, had a double interpretation of
most of
the world's
airline acronyms (generally undeserved, but hilarious nevertheless).
. For instance,
SABENA was "Some Awful
Bloody Experience - Never Again!"; PIA was "Perhaps It'll
and OLYMPIC "Onassis Likes Your Money Paid In
Cash!", to name but a few. Well, Aeronaves
was always referred to
as "Aero Maybe". In fact, the shot below does little to instill
as to the maintenance
procedures of the day and may partially account for the nickname.
wonders what part the walking stick played in
the work being done on the exhaust thrust augment-
ation efflux of
the port Pratt & Whitney Double Wasp on this CVAC 340?
(Probably XA-KIM