XA-BEM Lockheed 10A
(c/n 1004)

Several airlines
established themselves in Mexico in the 1920s and early 30s. with
limited amounts
success. Most of these were promoted by airline interests
in the US, notably Pan American,
American and United. Aerovias Centrales, S.A. was founded
by PanAm in 1932 initially with
Fokker F-10As and
Fairchild 71s for shorter routes. In 1934 three Lockheed Orions
acquired along with five Lockheed 10As. The first of these is
seen above in this Lockheed photo
taken at Los Angeles' Grand Central Air Terminal probably on
delivery. Aerovias Centrales
flew routes north from
Mexico City to Ciudad Juarez and Nogales, but did not cross the border
into the US.
Most of the fleet was purchased new by PanAm and then sent to
Mexico for