PP-VCF Curtiss
(c/n 30283)

PP-VCF was one of the VARIG
C-46s which was fitted with Turbomeca Palas turbojets under the
wings which provided increased power for take-off.
This C-46
had led a varied career before
VARIG. After WW II this
C-46A-45-CU 42-96621 found itself in North
Africa, It was sold,
from war surplus to the Egyptian carrier
SAIDE as SU-AFS. It was brokered
in1951 by Air Carrier
Service Inc to REAL where it
PP-YQE. VARIG purchased it in July of 1952. PP-VCF
at Bage, RS, Brazil on 7 April
1957. A fire had somehow developed in the
port main under-
carriage wheel
well. Unfortunately the pilot thought
(somewhat understandably in my judgement) that
the fire had started in the
engine, and
hence feathered the No.1 engine. He then returned to the traffic
pattern for a landing circuit. Needless to say, the port wheel would
not lower. To avoid a
belly landing,
pilot applied full power and tried to go around for
another approach to land.
Over the intersection
of runways 05 and 23
the port wing
separated from the fuselage, causing the plane to lose control and
crash. All 40 souls on board were