PP-NAM Douglas
(c/n 42980)

Navegacao Aerea Brasileira was founded in 1939 as a
public company in direct competition
to Syndicato
Condor and the Pan Am/Panair do Brasil consortium. A bold move
It was one of many small airlines which came into
being in Brazil in the 1945-1960 era. The
route was from Rio to Recife via Belo Horizointe, Bom Jeses de Lapa and
using a pair of Beech
D18s (PP-NAA and PP-NAB). By the late 1940s the
airline had a
fleet of some
15 DC-3s (and a like number of C-46s). The airline acquired the
rather rude
acronym of "Nao Anda
Bem" ('It doesn't go well!'), although, having said that, it was
a lot safer than many
other contemporary lines! PP-NAM was a new post-war
(and actually
the penultimate)
DC-3. This shot (by Peter R.
Keating via the Jennifer Gradidge collection)
was taken at Rio in
1952. LAB was purchased by the Loide consortium in 1961 and
less than
a year later, in the
wave of mergers and acquisitions that was going on in Brazilian airline
at that time,
Loide was acquired by VASP. The color shot (below) of it in
full VASP livery
was taken in
1973 and comes from the Helio Bastos Salmon collection.