PP-CDW Convair
(c/n 159)

In 1964 Cruzeiro do Sul took delivery
of four new Convair 340s from the manufacturer.
This nice
shot came from a postcard supllied by SACSUL. PP-CDW was involved
in a
crash at Sao Paulo's Congonhas Airport on 3 May 1963. The aircraft had to return
to the
originating airport when the the No. 2 engine caught fire. The
captain feathered the
prop and made a left turn. When on finals for runway 16, the
Convair nosed up (45 degrees ),
stalled and
struck a house. 37 of the 50 souls on board perished.
Probable cause was given
improper procedures used in unfeathering of the No. 2 prop,
i.e. pilot error.