PP-CBB Junkers Ju-52/3mW
(c/n 4078)

Syndicato Condor had some 18 Junkers Ju-52s,
many of which were on floats. This shot, from
the Fernando Lins*
collection (via Joao Novello) shows one of them taxying away from the
at Ponta do Caju, Rio
de Janeiro after maintenance in December 1930. Ponta do
Caju was the
airline's overhaul and
maintenance base. In the distance are the famous Corcovado
mountains, on
top of which the
Christ statue is located. The port of Rio de
Janeiro can bee seen off the star-
board wing. The
two close ups of the same machine (below) showing Mario Browne and
came from the collection of
Mrs. Alcyone Lyra (aso via Joao). Those float struts do not
particularly robust!
* Fernando Lins, is the son of Severiano Lins the first Brazilian
commercial pilot. Before him most of
licenced aircrews were from Germany.