PP-AXJ Douglas DC-3
(c/n 6177)

Jose Carlos de Fonseca of Sao Francisco de Paula, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil, come
these shots of the wreck of
PP-AXJ. An early C-47-DL, it was delivered to the
1942 as 41-38718 and served
in Alaska. It was civilianized in in November 1946 for Universal
Air lines, a New York
based non-sked. A year later it was sold to the Brazilian company
MB Lima & Cia as
PP-XDM. Acquired by Aerovias Brasil in 1950 it was
On 14 October 1952, while on a scheduled service from Santos
Airport, Rio de
Janeiro to Porto Alegre,
the aircraft struck high ground whilst in the vicinity of Sao
de Paula (approximately 100
km north of its destination). Weather conditions were marginal
at the time and
the accident report cited a navigational error as the reason for the
ground strike.
14 of the 18 souls on board
were killed.