PP-ANE Douglas DC-3C
(c/n 34299)

Transportes Aereos Nacional Ltda was founded in 1946 by
two pilots, Hilton Machado and
Manuel J.
Antones. The running of the airline was basically left to Claudio
Hoelck who would
later go
on to play an influential part in Brazilian airline management for the
next thirty years.
Commencing with two DC-3s, Nacional was established
in Belo Horizonte and provided services
to Rio,
Salvador and Cuiaba. It would eventually go on the operate
no fewer than 30 DC-3s at
one time or another,
mostly added to the asset register through acquisitions. In
1948 Nacional
formed a consortium
agreement with Viacao Aera Brasil, S.A.(VIABRAS) intended to eliminate
duplication. During the next decade expansionist Nacional would
not only absorb Viacao,
but would go on
to purchase Organizacao Mineira de Transportes Aereos (OMTA), Central
Aerea, Ltda.,
VASD (Santos Dumont), Cia Itau de Transportes Aereos (Itau) and
Aereos Salvador
(TAS). This gave it a huge route network serving some 74 cities
in Brazil
operating over
12,000 unduplicated route miles, In August 1956 the REAL
consortium secured
85% of Nacional's shares
and it was ostensibly acquired by that airline. The rare
shot above
is from a print
taken by an ex-Nacional cabin attendant, Mrs. Izolda
Baez, and shown here via
the Carlos Ari
César Germano da Silva
collection. The 'E' on the nose identitfies the DC-3 as
It was later sold to
the Brasilian Air Force as FAB2080; and in 1979 was sold to
Aircraft Sales as N9049Y.