Havilland D.H.89A Dragon
(c/n 6822)

This shot is from the Jennifer
Gradidge collection but was probably taken by the late Peter R. Keating
at Rosario, circa
1952. LV-AES was one of the ten Rapides originally flown by
ZONDA in the1940s,
although it had passed to
taxi operator Aero Expreso Barcella by the time this photograph was
ZONDA was the joint stock company
formed in 1946 to serve the northwest region of the Argentine.
It was originally incorporated under the name Lineas
Aereas Argentinas Noroeste (LAAN) but the title
was soon changed due to possible confusion with the Chilean national
carrier LAN. The full new name
was Zonas Oeste y Norte de Aerolineas Argentine, thankfully shortened
to ZONDA. Initial services
were from Buenos Aires to
Salto. LV-AES had already been sold off before the
Argentine carriers
were nationalized into Aerolineas Argentinas.