Lockheed 18-10 Lodestar
(c/n 2098)

Lloyd Aereo Boliviano traces
its history back to 1925 when it was formed using a single Junkers
F-13. Prior to WW II it was
partly owned by the Junkers Company and flew early production
Junkers Ju 52/3Ms. This "German connection" was particularly
troublesome to the US in 1941/2
and accordingly Panagra was charged with the task of
"snuffing out any Axis dreams of achieving
commercial air supremacy in South
and Central America" (Panagra's words, not mine). To this
end LAB was nationalized by the
Bolivian government and Panagra was given a five year contract
to provide operational and management support services. Assisted
by its parent company, Pan
American Airways, Panagra updated the LAB fleet,
initially with Lockheed Lodestars. The poor
image above was culled from a WW
II era Panagra brochure. CB-26 was one of the Dutch East
Indies Lodestars and was to be been LT-903. In
the event this was not taken up due to the Japan-
ese invasion of the islands and the aircraft was
delivered instead to Yukon Southern Airways as
CF-BTY. It was acquired for
Bolivian in 1942.