VR-HEU Douglas DC-4
(c/n 10310)

Cathay only ever
operated two DC-4s. VR-HEU, above, was formerly KLM's PH-TLO and
was acquired in August of
1949. Note ground crew neatly lined up
under the port wing. On 23
July 1954 this DC-4 was on a
scheduled flight from Bangkok to Hong Kong's Kai Tek Airport.
At around 09.00 hrs it was attacked by
a Chinese Air Force Lavotchkin La-7 over the South
Chin Sea
and mortally wounded. (One wonders about the screening process to
which the Chin-
ese Air
Force had subjected this hot shot fighter pilot). Anyway,
VR-HEU ditched off Hainan
Island, and of the 18 aboard, 10 did not
suirvive the crash. The lucky 8 were rescued by a US
Air Force
Albatross (51-009, out of Clarke AFB).