TC-TOY Fokker F-27 Friendship
(c/n 10125)

In 1960 Turk Hava Yollari
(Turkish Airlines) ordered five Friendships from Fairchild and five
from Fokker. TC-TOY was the
third of the Fokker batch and was delivered in October 1960.
exactly a
large fleet, and certainly not enough to replace
their substantial quantity of DC-3s,
which were
not completely phased out until the DC-9s came on board.
The two photos in this
entry are from the
Jerry Elmas collection. The color slide take-off below shows the
original 'Flag"
initial livery, while the B&W above illustrates
the ultimate paint job. TC-TOY was operated for
odd years, and then wound up flying
for OTAL-CTA in Angola in 1975 as D2-FPH.
It later
went to TAAG-Angola as D2-TFK and was
withdrawn from use by them
sometime in the