TC-TON Fokker F-27
(c/n 10124)

This was another of the Friendships built to
an Aviaco order and not taken up by the Spanish carrier
defunct). Jerry Elmas' photo above shows it in its ultimate
livery. In 1973 it was traded back
Fokkers and it was sold to a US broker becoming N47SB, briefly.
It was soon on-sold to the
Burmese Air
Force wherein it became '5001'. Sometime in the new
millennium it was transferred to
Myanma Airways as XY-AER when the (by then) Myanmar Air Force replaced
it with a F-27-600
bearing the same serial number. It is reported to
be stored at Rangoon (Oops, I mean Yangon).
Incidentally, the Taiwan Air Force also
flies a Fokker serialed '5001'. This one,
however, is a
50, which has not prevented the ATDB Aero website from publishing a
photo of that air-
craft under the reference for c/n 10124!