TC-ABA Douglas DC-3-414A
(c/n 4971)

This excellent shot of a DHY DC-3 came
from the Jerry Elmas collection. Jerry has a large
selection of photos of TC- registered aircraft and should any
viewer have special requirements
please contact me and I'll put you in touch with him.
TC-ABA was a 1942 DC-3 built to a
Air Lines order, (was to have been NC33692) but this delivery was
thwarted by WW II
and the
aircraft passed immediately to the USAAF as a C-53C-DO (43-2027)
. When civilianized
1946 it went to Delvet Hava Yollari (THY - Turkish
Airlines). When retired by THY it went to
the Turkish
Air Force as ETI-06, later 6006.