PK-LEH Grumman G-21A Goose
(c/n B.54)

South Australian & Territory Air Services'
Indonesian subsidiary, PT Saatas East Indonesie acquired,
in the early 1970s, a
couple of G-21As for their operations in West Irian and East Timor.
They were
used in support of
Total Indonesie's Balikpapan, East Kalimantan oil field operation,
transporting oil
well personnel to off shore rigs.
PK-LEH was an ex US Navy JRF-5 (BuAer 37801) which had
spent time
with the RCAF in 1944-45 as '387'. Civilianized as N2721A,
it was
sold in July 1974 to
Airlines, and was noted at Miami with 'Tasman Airlines Australia'
titling. It arrived in Sydney
(via London) in
October of that year and appeared to have languished there for a period
of several
months before
being granted its CofA at Essendon in 1975. By that time Tasman
Airlines was a non-
runner and its
Australian registration of VH-CRL was not taken up.
Instead it went to Saatas East
Indonesia as
PK-LEH. Its ultimate fate is
unknown, but it was stricken from the PK- register in 1990.
The above shot
is from the Margaret Picard collection,
whose father spent a a good deal of time in the
PNG/ West Irian