PK-CPD Consolidated PBY-5A Catalina
(c/n 394)

When Indonesia finally
wrested its independence from the Dutch in 1949 it oddly retained the
nationality markings that it had been allotted under colonialism.
The only other country that I can think
of which
elected to do this was India. Anyway, Garuda Indonesian Airways
was formed in December
1949 from
the remnants of the old KNILM. It was jointly owned
by the Indonesian government and
KLM, but by
1956 was
totally Indonesian owned. Rather a strange choice of title,
actually, since the
garuda is a
mythical bird-like creature found in Hindu
mythology, whereas Indonesia is a Muslin country
the largest,
population-wise, in the
world). Since Indonesia is also a nation made up of many
islands, it
was somewhat natural, in the early
days, that flying boats found favor in the fleet. Eight Cata-
were transferred from KNILM to Garuda
in 1949. PK-CPD was the former US Navy's BuAer
07243 which had
been civilianized as
NC1216M. It was named 'Djoronga' in Garuda service.