OD-ACF Vickers 732 Viscount
(c/n 74)

OD-ACF was one of three Viscounts leased from
Hunting Clan Air Transport until their own
754s could be delivered. (They also had another from BEA).
OD-ACF was the first
Hunting Clans and is seen here at Beirut Airport at the end of
1955. It was formerly G-ANRR
and was
returned as such to the lessor in September of 1957.
Just over a year after its return,
on 2
December 1958 it departed London Heathrow for a
test flight following a major overhaul
. While
flying at 1000 feet, some 10 minutes after takeoff, the right wing
broke off and the aircraft
and caught fire. Investigation revealed that the elevator
spring tab was operating in the
direction. The resultant maneuvers exercised by the pilot
overstressed the aircraft and
caused the
wing to break off. Poor maintenance procedures were cited
as the cause.