JZ-PTC Cessna 180D Skywagon
(c/n 18050949)

When Indonesia became independent in
1949, the Netherlands retained the western half of Papua
Guinea in what was then named Dutch New Guinea. Since Indonesia
had taken over the PK-
of registrations, a new JZ- series was allotted to this territory.
Correspondent Larry Cole,
provides the shot above, grew up on a mission there as a child.
The photo was taken at Ilu,
the highlands of Irian Jaya. This Cessna was registered at this
time to the Christian and Mission-
Alliance When Indonesia eventually annexed New Guinea this
aircraft was re-registered in 1962
PK-MPA. Also, like many missionary
craft, when sold off by the
Missionary Aviation Fellowship
they were
traded in in Australia and wound up on the Australian register.
This one became VH-PHS
where it is currently still
registered and flies as a crop duster in Victoria.