(c/n 19626)

99% of the time Greg Banfield took
perfectly positioned shots, as anyone who has perused this
website will attest. As any of us
know, however, that cannot always be achieved and this photo
HL-7432, taken at Mascot on 5 April 1978 is an example. To quote
Greg "It was parked in
a very difficult
position!". Greg had following its metamorphosis from
VH-EAF over several
weeks in 1978. I
believe Korean used it exclusively as a freighter. In
1986 it returned to Boeing
as N770JS as part of that company's project to
become the prototype for E-8A
program. It
later was given the military serial 86-0416 and is, I believe, still
flying today as the
only TE-8A trainer..