B-1602 Stinson L-5
(c/n ?

Looks like a
healthy craps game going on under the wing of this L-5. This
image from the scrap
book of C.F. Chang.
This aircraft was owned by some branch of the Kuomintang (KMT -
Nationalist) government. There were no privately owned
civil aircraft in Taiwan from
the time of the arrival of the Chiang
Kai-Shek in 1949 until at least the 1990s. There may still
be none now. The reason for this
was that the government was mortally afraid that a private
citizen might
actually fly to the mainland (sort of a reverse defection). The
loss of face, should
this ever have happened (and it
certainly didn't by air) would have been totally intolerable, and
one that the KMT would never live
down. Now that, three decades later, the two sides are
finally at least
talking to each other, and it is now possible for citizens of both
sides to acquire
travelling capabilities between the two Chinas, I am not sure if the
embargo on privately
owned lightplanes in Taiwan is still in
effect. I suspect it is, even now.