ZS-AGJ Junkers Ju 86
(c/n ???)

South Africa always had a very pro-German
slant towards its fleet, pre WW II. Note only did
African Airways fly a dozen or so Ju 86s (one of the largest civil
fleets of these machines)
but the South
African Air Force (which never had a "Royal" appendage) also had a
(18) of
the bomber version of this rather graceful machine. ZS-AGJ seen
above, which carried
name "General David Baird" went
to the SAAF's 15th Sqn in 1940.
* Even in the period when I was in South
Africa (1948/49) the country was not particularly
pro-Commonwealth. As interchange Air Cadets we were told (warned,
might be a better
word) to be
especially alert to South African officers, insofar as failing to
salute them, would,
we were
assured, lead to a major international incident!. Well, maybe not
that bad, but they
were, in
today's vernacular, definitely "up-tight" about it.