ZS-AGB Airspeed AS.6J Envoy
(c/n 51)

Not many airlines operated the
Airspeed Envoy (one other carrier that springs to mind was Czech-
slovakia's CSA).
SAA had four of them operating local services in the Transvaal and
Orange Free
State and
as far south as Port Elizabeth in Cape Province. This
aircraft was named "Sir Hercules
Robinson" and appended below
is an enlargement of the nose of the Envoy, just so's you know that
I'm not making this stuff
up. Anyway, Sir Hercules was a foreign diplomat par
excellence. He not
only served with distinction in the West Indies,
Hong Kong, Australia, Fiji (to name just a few of his
posts) but
also engineered (along with Cecil Rhodes) efforts to unite the British
and Dutch parties in
the Cape Colony.