SU-AFC Savoia-Marchetti
(c/n 15)

Services Aeriens Internationaux
d'Egypte (SAIDE) was formed in 1947 as a subsidiary of the Fiat
company. Routes were flown initially from Cairo to Beirut,
Tripoli and Rome. Along with four Fiat
G-212s the
airline ordered a similar number of SM.95s for the longer haul routes.
The caption on
photograph indicates that the motley crew above were picking up the
first of these from the plant
in Italy
when this shot was taken. That would indicate, therefore, that
this aircraft was SU-AFC.
S.A.I.D.E.'s SM.95s differed from those
operated by Alitalia in that they were powered by four
Bristol Pegasus
48 engines and had the passenger cabin reconfigured to accommodate 26
in lieu
of the
original18. The disposition of these aircraft after
S.A.I.D.E. was taken over by Misrair is
unknown. The grainy shot below (even grainier than the one
above) came from a S.A.I.D.E.
supplied post-card
acquired in 1949.