G-ANUB Boeing
377 Stratocruiser
(c/n 15969)

At about the time that West Africa began to
fall apart, i.e. when so-called "self determination"
became the politically correct way of describing the wave of
nationalisn which swept the continent,
WAAC began
services to London with chartered BOAC Stratocruisers. It was
deemed terribly
important to "keep up with the Jones's" in those days (1957-58), and
since Ghana Airways was
such progress in their perceived role as prime mover in the
emancipation process, far be
for WAAC (Nigeria) to be left behind. And so here is G-ANUB all
decked out with the flying
logo on the fin at London Airport (a Jennifer Gradidge
photo). This was just before it
broken up at Stansted. No doubt its days with WAAC
accelerated its demise.