Fairchild PT-26A
Cornell II CF-CVK
(c/n 1068 )

This shot was taken by the late
Peter R. Keating at Montreal. This Cornell was on the strength
of the Montreal Flying Club at the
time (circa 1952). Almost 3,000 of this advanced version
(200 hp Ranger L-440-7 engine) of
the PT-19 were produced by Fleet Aircraft in Canada under
the Lend Lease
program. They were used in Commonwealth Air Training Scheme
service, and
were given the name Cornell. Most of the Cornells which found
their way in to the Canadian civil
aircraft register after the war were
from this stock, although there were a few true PT-19s and
PT-23s which were CF-
registered.. This machine was a Fleet built example, delivered
to the
RCAF as FV700 in September of
1944. It was civilianized in 1947.