Fairchild C-123K
Provider N3142D
(c/n )
Provider was first developed by the Chase Aircraft Company as a powered
of a troop carrying
glider. The original design was commenced in 1943 and
resulted in the
XCG-20. By the time
the powered version was put into production ten years later, Chase had
been acquired by the
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation (remember those ugly cars?) and the rights to
producing the C-123
were given to Fairchild. The -K sub variant was unique in that it
had two
auxiliary turbo jets installed in pods under the
mainplanes. This machine was ex 54-580 with
the USAF and operated
for a while as an aerial fire fighting tanker in whose livery it
reposed at
the Pima Air Musuem when
this shot was taken in the 1990s.