Sikorsky S-52
(c/n 1)

Even on the original print the registration of this, the prototype S-52
is blurred. It is barely
discernible in the enlargement (below). First flown in
1947, the design was commenced as
early as 1945. It was a two-seater (must have
been a bit cramped) powered by a 178 hp
engine. It was the progenitor of a limited run of 4-seat military
machines (civil models
S-52-2 and production S-52-3). Four were evaluated by the
US Army as
the YH-18A
(of which two were later converted
to XH-39s), 79 were built for the US Navy as HO5S-1s
and 8 went
to the Coast Guard as HO5S-1Gs.