Republic RC-3
(c/n 12)

Designed in the later stages of WW II,
the Republic RC-1 was initially (temporarily and laughingly)
named the 'Thunderbolt Amphibian'. When series
production got under way in 1946 with the improved
RC-3, the name was changed, mercifully, to Seabee,
Originally offered at the (even for1946) fantastically
low price of $3995, this was soon raised to $4995 and then $5995.
Unfortunately, even at that price
Republic was losing money on every one built (cost was at least double
that) and coupled with the fact
that the company had military contracts to fulfill, decided to curtail
production after1060 Seabees had been
built. It was a rugged family-type
aircraft, ideal for the sports fisherman and at home in the bush
However, with the 215 hp Franklin 6A8 engine it was somewhat
underpowered. I rode in one once from
Wonderboom Airport (north of Pretoria, South Africa) to the man made
lake at the Vaal Dam in the high
Veld. The ambient was around 35F and the lake is about 1500
meters asl. The lake is some 20 kilometers
long. Well, we needed all of
that to get back out. I thought that sucker weren't never gonna
come unstuck.
The Canadian example below with the
beat-up door was taken at Sea Island Airport, Vancouver, in 1960.
Republic RC-3
(c/n 775)