Meyers MAC 200A
(c/n 252)

The Meyers MAC 200
was an outgrowth of the 145. It was a four seater powered by a
225 hp
Continental O-470-E engine. This photograph
was taken at Hawthorne Municipal Airport in 1962.
200A/B/C/ and /D
models varied marginally, and the letter more or less indicated the
starting in 1959. In 1965 the
Meyers Aircraft Company was purchased by North American
Rockwell's Aero Commander Division (now Rockwell
International) and production of the 200D
continued. However, whereas Meyer's aircraft had been
virtually all hand-made, clearly this was
not to be the case with the multinational
giant. In the event the project was abandoned as being less
than cost effective after 83
aircraft had been completed and the Rockwell design team set about
designing an aircraft which was cheaper to produce. Thus the
Commander 112 was born as the
successor to the 200D. Needless to
say, in the case of a mass-produced machine compared to
a hand-built job, it was, at
best, half the aircraft that the 200 was. Seen below is a
produced Aero Commander 200D at Boulder City
Airport, Nevada in the late 1980s. The
silver screen blinds in the windows were to attempt
to keep the cabin cool in the ambient 110F
(43 Celsius) heat normally associated with that
Aero Commander
(c/n 302)