Cessna 172E Skyhawk
N2992U (c/n 172-50592

I have always thought that a
well equipped Skyhawk is the epitome of a classy lightplane.
evidently thought so too,
since the 172 was the aircraft with which they elected to resume light
production following a twenty year
hiatus from the late 70s to the late 90s. During this period
Cessna and Piper quit
building lightplanes. Why? Well, when Joe Blow purchased
his Skyhawk
in 1978, took off overloaded from a high and hot airfield in a
thunderstorm and came to an untimely
end, his widow sued Cessna.....and won. So the
manufacturers said, in essence, "The Hell with it....
we'll not build singles any more". The gap was filled
with foreign imports (who laughed at such law-
suits) and home
builts. Around the end of the last century the courts
became somewhat (but not
entirely) more sympathetic to the manufacturers
cause, and production recommenced. This lovely
Skyhawk is not very much different from its 2006 counterpart.
This shot was taken at the Air
Oasis dealership at Long Beach
Municipal, California, in December of 1963.